Residing on a rural property in the Northern Rivers region of Grafton in New South Wales, Julie has an idyllic backdrop for her creative works. Predominantly an oil painter with a passion for drawing, Julie has been a professional artist since 2000.
The human figure is a main source of inspiration for her work and is facilitated by weekly life drawing sessions. Julie’s paintings often develop from a deep emotional state in either her current environment, or memories. With a strong connection to the land and a love of animals, her work often reflects these passions in her paintings.
All of Julie’s works commence with a mark, a drawing, expressive and energetic lines that are eliminated and layered upon. Referred to as a storyteller with her paintings, Julie’s works develop with a narrative that embody their own dialogue and presence.
Social and political issues may come into play with Julie’s work from time to time. But when she paints, she concentrates on her own aesthetics and what messages she wants to convey whilst maintaining movement, life, and spontaneity. Her works are often described as energetic and expressive and full of heart felt emotion.