Sizing with frames

Sizing & Framing

Below is the sizing differences between an unframed print and a print with a frame installed.
Please note that we use different frames and matt board sizes depending on the collection of the print.

Slim Aarons

Portrait & Landscape - Photographic Paper
Size Print Only  Framed Print
G  1016 x 1525 1250 x1740
F 762 x 1016 930 x 1250
E 508 x 762 770 x 1010
D 508 x 610 770 x 890
C 406 x 508  680 x 780
B 305 x 406 610 x 710
Sqaure - Photographic Paper
Size Print Only  Framed Print
G  1016 x 1016 1280 x 1280
F 762 x 762 1030 x 1030
E 610 x 610 880 x 880
D 508 x 508 770 x 770
C 406 x 406  670 x 670
B 305 x 305 565 x 565

Artist Editions

Photographic and Rag paper - Portrait & Landscape
Size Print Only  Framed Print
F 762 x 1000 950 x 1190
E 600 x 760 790 x 950
D 500 x 600 690 x 790
C 400 x 500  590 x 790
Photographic and Rag paper - Square
Size Print Only  Framed Print
F 1000 x 1000 1190 x 1190
E 800 x 800 990 x 990
D 600 x 600 790 x 790
C 400 x 400  590 x 590
Satin Canvas - Portrait & Landscape
Size Print Only  Framed Print
G 1000 x 1300 1030 x 1330
F 760 x 1000 790 x 1030
E 600 x 760 630 x 790
D 500 x 600 530 x 630
C 400 x 500  430 x 530
Satin Canvas - Square
Size Print Only  Framed Print
G 1300 x 1300 1330 x 1330
F 1000 x 1000 1030 x 1030
E 800 x 800 830 x 830
D 600 x 600 630 x 630
C 400 x 400  430 x 430

Limited Editions

Due to the nature of limited editions we can not give exact sizing for every print. Our general rule is to add 200mm to both sides of the print. Please call or email for exact sizes.

Open Editions

Matt Photographic - Portrait & Landscape
Size Print Only  Framed Print
F 920 x 1160 950 x 1190
E 760 x 920 790 x 950
D 660 x 760 690 x 790
C 560 x 660 590 x 690
Photographic and Rag paper - Square
Size Print Only  Framed Print
F 920 x 920 950 x 950
E 760 x 760 790 x 790
D 660 x 660 690 x 690
C 560 x 560 590 x 590
Satin Canvas - Portrait & Landscape
Size Print Only  Framed Print
G 1100 x 1400 1030 x 1330
F 860 x 1100 790 x 1030
E 700 x 860 630 x 790
D 600 x 700 530 x 630
C 500 x 600 430 x 530
Satin Canvas - Square
Size Print Only  Framed Print
G 1100 x 1100

1030 x 1030

F 860 x 860 790 x 790
E 700 x 700 630 x 630
D 600 x 600 530 x 530
C 500 x 500 430 x 430